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Coinbase: Uniswap tops 2023 list of protocols

Launched in 2018 by Hayden Adams, a former mechanical engineer at Siemens, the Uniswap blockchain runs on the Solidity programming language, a popular choice for many decentralized finance (Defi) projects on the Ethereum platform.

Uniswap offers users the ability to provide liquidity to pools and trade decentralized tokens in pairs, including native cryptocurrencies and stablecoins. Uniswap is characterized by its open source nature and encourages contributions from a diverse community. The project has since collected more than three million unique senders.

The thread continues and highlights Tether as the second protocol. It recorded 33.6 million sends from 6.2 million unique addresses, making it a significant player in the Ethereum ecosystem, followed by Opensea, Metamask and 1inch.

It is worth noting that aggregator 1inch emerged as the most used project, while recent addition Banana Gun, launching in 2023, recorded 1.5 million swaps in ninth place on the list.