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South Korea postpones tax on cryptocurrencies for 2 years

The 20% tax on digital assets in South Korea, which was due to apply from 2023, has been postponed for another two years.

Tax announced in 2020

Before the announcement of the 2-year delay, the hefty 20% tax on crypto-asset earnings was due to go into effect on January 1, 2023. However, thanks to strong investor protests, the plan was pushed back to 2025. .on cryptocurrencies was first introduced in December 2020, when the government announced the 20% tax rate on cryptocurrency earnings above KRW 2.5 million ($1974.10). Under the initial plan, the tax was supposed to be imposed from January 1, 2022. However, the Democratic Party and the center-right People’s Power Party decided in November 2021 to defer it for a year.

Investors protest taxes

Despite the many delays, the January 1, 2023 timeline did not please investors, who claimed that the tax could harm a growing cryptocurrency industry in South Korea. Another argument they made was that the tax threshold (2.5 million KRW) was too low, especially considering that the proposed stock tax is levied on capital gains above 50 million KRW ($39,475.76). This was noteworthy as one of the promises made by the country’s president-elect Yoon Suk-yeol during his campaign was to tax cryptocurrencies to the same extent as other financial assets.

Minister defends postponement

Choo Kyung-ho supported the investors’ demand to defer taxes in May 2022, when he has yet to be confirmed as Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Economy and Finance. During a National Assembly confirmation hearing, Choo stated that a 20% tax on the cryptocurrency industry would be detrimental at this time. He proposed waiting for the market to mature and for legislation to guarantee transparency and investor protection before charging the tax.

Fiscal policies in the world

Taxing capital gains from cryptocurrencies has become a hot topic in many countries. While some countries want to lighten the industry as much as possible and have therefore deferred imposing a tax, others are eager to bank the profits through taxes. Germany, like South Korea, has maintained a more crypto-friendly tax policy after announcing zero taxes on held cryptocurrencies for more than a year. At the end of the spectrum, Portugal, known to be a crypto haven for its zero-tax policy, is reconsidering a tax on crypto profits. Investors in India are also saddled with the 30% cryptocurrency tax announced at the last budget meeting and are choosing to take their business abroad.

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Ukraine joins the European Blockchain Association as an observer

Ukraine has been granted observer status in the European Blockchain Association (EBP). Kyiv officials hope the move will make it easier for the Ukrainian government to implement blockchain technologies and lead to the adoption of more efficient cryptocurrency regulations.

Ukraine moves towards membership of the European Blockchain Association

Ukraine has been accepted as an observer in the European Blockchain Partnership (EBP), an initiative to develop an EU blockchain strategy and build blockchain infrastructure for public services. Observer status is a step towards full membership, which Ukrainian authorities and members of the cryptocurrency community have been pushing.

The push for the country’s accession to the EBP was initiated by Oleksii Zhmerenetskyi, chairman of the Blockchain4Ukraine interfactional association of Ukrainian lawmakers, and Konstantin Yarmolenko, who chairs the non-governmental organization “Ukrainian Virtual Assets”.

In March of this year, they sent letters to European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen and other EU representatives calling for the establishment of a common European blockchain infrastructure based on EBP.

In response to his appeal, the head of the executive body in Brussels confirmed Ukraine’s membership prospects as an observer. The country has now become the third non-EU country to participate in the initiative, besides Norway and Liechtenstein.

“Ukraine’s integration into the European Blockchain Association will strengthen joint work on the introduction of blockchain technology into government records and services,” said Ukraine’s Deputy Minister of Digital Transformation Alexander Bornyakov, according to his department.

Bornyakov, who represents the Eastern European nation on the EBP, recently attended an online meeting of all members. He added that joining will also promote “a highly efficient regulatory environment, including for the virtual asset market” in the country.

According to the head of Blockchain4Ukraine, Zhmerenetskyi, by joining the blockchain association, Ukraine will be in a better position to boost recognition of its higher education diplomas and driver’s licenses for millions of Ukrainian refugees in Europe.

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Bitcoin of America is working to solve the gender issue in the crypto industry

The cryptocurrency industry has a major gender issue when it comes to female participation. Bitcoin of America (BOA), a popular virtual exchange, seeks to solve this big problem. BOA has been very open about its female participation at conferences, exhibitions and even within its own company. Bitcoin of America has revealed that the majority of its top-tier positions are held by women. Its Director of Operations, Director of Operations, Director of Marketing, Director of Agent Locations and Director of Business Development are led by powerful women.

Bitcoin of America sent its women’s team to the world’s largest Bitcoin conference, Bitcoin 2021 Miami. The BOA women’s team hopes to encourage other women to join the industry. Alice Gorodetsky, Director of Business Development, shared her thoughts on the industry. Gorodetsky explained: “The male presence is huge in the tech sector and in the crypto space. I am excited to be a part of an inclusive company like Bitcoin of America that encourages women to succeed in a male-dominated industry.”

Bitcoin of America is currently hiring and looking to expand its women’s team. They seek to promote women in the cryptocurrency industry and help give them a voice. Jenna Polinsky, director of marketing, spoke about her experiences working in a predominantly male industry. Polinsky mentioned, “I am lucky to be part of a team that values ​​everyone’s opinion. I had a positive experience working for Bitcoin of America and hope to use my influence to help encourage other women to join the industry.

Bitcoin of America is registered as a Money Services Business with the United States Department of the Treasury (FinCEN). Bitcoin of America offers a number of different services, including Bitcoin ATMs, Bitcoin tablets, and an online exchange. BOA is known for providing fast and hassle-free transactions to its customers by offering top-notch customer service, making it one of the best in the industry.

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Brazilian congressman sees Bitcoin as a transformer for the country

Brazilian congressman Fábio Ostermann sees Bitcoin as a means to make state tools obsolete and allow technology to free people.

In an episode of the “Bitconheiros” podcast with the guest Fábio Ostermann, the Brazilian deputy commented, among various topics, on Bitcoin and the adoption of decentralized technologies. This story was shared by local news outlet Bitcoin Bulletin.

The Brazilian parliamentarian said that technologies that promote decentralization have the potential to liberate Brazil, as they can render many institutions obsolete, such as the Central Bank and other institutions linked to monetary policy. he he shared,

“Personally, I firmly believe in the future of freedom in Brazil and, consequently, in the future of prosperity in Brazil. I believe that our children will live in a level of freedom that we never imagined.

“Probably because of what our generation is building. […] I have a lot of confidence in the future of freedom and of Brazil, consequently, because I see that in the worst case, technology will make us free.”

Brazil currently ranks 133rd out of 177 countries in the Heritage Foundation’s Index of Economic Freedom. The Latin American country did not have a significant indication of freedom in any observable aspect.

Bitcoin, as the parliamentarian and various people throughout the episode rightly pointed out, has the potential to open up a lot of room for the growth of freedom in the world. It takes away from centralized agents the monopoly of money issuance and the financial system.
Bitcoin Adoption in Brazil

In recent decades, Brazil has gone through a series of episodes that have undermined the population’s trust in state institutions. From 1940 to 1994, the country experienced severe inflation and occasional hyperinflation. Many point out that this may be one of the main reasons for the popularity of bitcoin in the country, since the population is used to not trusting money issued by the government.

Brazil currently has more people investing in bitcoin and other digital assets than the US stock market.

The lack of confidence in the government itself due to various historical events has become an inseparable part of the culture of Latin American countries. As most South American countries have experienced hyperinflation, dictatorships, and confiscation of their economies, it is natural that there will be resistance to trusting centralized institutions.

Because it is a decentralized currency network that does not need to rely on intermediaries, Bitcoin has become a strong net alternative to government-issued money, as well as a way to gain sovereignty through hard currency in a crash-resistant currency network. the censorship.
“Technology will set us free”

During the conversation, the deputy, known for defending agendas linked to economic freedom, continued:

“[Bitcoin] is going to transform various state tools, which today, or until recently, were considered as indispensable as the Central Bank itself. As monetary regulatory authorities, it will sooner or later render them obsolete.”

As stated, Bitcoin has the real potential to undermine the power of central banks and monetary institutions around the world because it is a protocol for money in the virtual cyberspace of the Internet.

Through aligned incentives and an “army of miners” striving to find new blocks and maintain network security, Bitcoin has held its own for 13 years, providing a robust monetary network and a highly appreciable liquid asset.

The parliamentarian also highlighted the emergence of a number of technologies that have the potential to reduce the role of the state through decentralization. “The trend is that we follow the path of increasing decentralization… It is what some people commonly call uberization… But there is a phenomenon behind it, which is the phenomenon of decentralization, the decentralization of options.”

Ostermann was most likely referring to decentralized applications, which seek to run services from conventional applications and systems through complex smart contracts. The congressman’s statements are very reminiscent of the predictions made by the economist Milton Friedman, who stated on several occasions that eventually the creation of money native to the internet would be responsible for diminishing the role of governments around the world.

Bitcoin is a hope for Brazil, for Latin America and for people around the world.

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Russia prepares to accept payments with cryptocurrencies

Russia is expected to legalize bitcoin and other forms of crypto as payment methods soon, according to the country’s Industry and Trade Minister Denis Manturov.

Russia and cryptocurrencies… a perfect combination?

In a recent interview, he commented that the country is potentially looking to resolve its current cryptocurrency dispute with its central banking system, although he is not sure what kind of regulation Russia will impose later on. He commented:

The question is when will that happen, how will it be regulated, now that the central bank and the government are actively working on it, but everyone tends to understand that… sooner or later it will be implemented, in one format or another.

The move is bringing the goals of bitcoin and its digital counterparts closer to being achieved. What many people are likely to forget is that while Bitcoin and many of its crypto cousins ​​have gained speculative or even hedge status in recent years, many of them were initially designed to serve as payment tools. They were created to sideline checks, credit cards, and fiat currencies, but this has been a relatively slow ride given the volatility that continues to drag them down.

It is extremely difficult to understand when Bitcoin and its family of cryptocurrencies are going to go up or down when it comes to their prices. Many stores and businesses are reluctant to say “yes” when it comes to accepting cryptocurrency payments for this reason, and to some extent, we can’t blame them.

Consider the following scenario: someone walks into a store and buys $50 worth of goods with bitcoin. For one reason or another, the store does not exchange BTC for fiat currency right away, and it takes about 24 hours. From there, the price of BTC drops and the $50 becomes $40. The customer keeps everything he bought, but the store ended up losing money. Is this a fair situation? Not everyone thinks like that.

This is what makes countries like Russia important in their own way. They realize the initial purposes of bitcoin and digital currencies and are trying to turn them into usable tools that ordinary people can benefit from.

The country has received much criticism.

Russia has come under severe scrutiny in recent months as the country reportedly invaded its western neighbor Ukraine. For these reasons, members of the US Congress have been tough on Russia, claiming that it is guilty of war crimes and therefore should not be allowed to have any functioning financial system.

Elizabeth Warren of Massachusetts, for example, has called for cryptocurrency exchanges to reduce their services to people in Russia, with many suggesting further sanctions on the country because they are concerned that Russia may use cryptocurrencies as a means of circumventing current limitations.